About the Station

Station Management

  • Station Manager – citking
  • Chief Announcer – The Danimal
  • Program Director – Special K
  • Production Director – The Whipping Boy
  • Operations Director – Mr. Self Destruct

WSUP.rocks is a project of passion. Founded by former members of WSUP, a local college radio station that is licensed to the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and located at Pioneer Tower, 1 University Plaza, Platteville WI, our desire is to bring high-quality, ad-free college-type alternative rock to the world. In fact, many of the sweepers, or quick blurbs between the songs, make fun of local stations and refer to the tri-state area. We left these in as an homage to our first love: college radio and WSUP.

We are NOT in ANY way, shape, or form related to WSUP in any manner, legal or otherwise.

In addition to our regular schedule we offer specialty shows scattered throughout the day and week. Every day at Noon you can catch an hour of back-to-back hits on the Twin Spin Lunch Hour.

Wanna smoke a fatty and groove out? Tune in Fridays for Friday Night Jamz, pumping you full of your favorite R&B, rap, and street-core all night from 6 PM til the sun comes up at 4 AM Saturday.

Need some chill music with your Sunday morning Bloody Mary? We got you covered with the Sunday Musicale, every Sunday morning 9 AM – 10 AM.

Want to hear something now? Hit us up on Twitter at https://twitter.com/wsuprocks with your request. If one of us is paying attention, we might just play it. It’s like the lottery, but with a shitty prize.